Unfortunately none of the lithrops seeds I bought sprouted, so I thought I’d try again with small plants I bought off of Etsy from angelSucculents. They came quickly and nicely wrapped, and the young lithrops are firm with a nice variety of colors.
Lithops (stone face, living stone) is a south African native of the Aizoaceae (ice plant) family. They resemble pebbles and can be easy to miss if not actively looked for.
Lithops have particular watering requirements, and are prone to dying from overwatering. According to a variety of gardeners with more experience with them than I do (this is my first attempt) they have a growth period in the spring (water), may go into a summer dormancy (don’t water), flower in the fall (water) and then use the reserves in their oldest leaves to make it through the winter (don’t water).
I’ve been wanting to try lithops for a while now, I think they are an unusual and interesting plant. I’m not sure the window I have them in gets enough light to keep them happy, but time will tell.
Six month old sempervivum sprouts
While I didn’t have fantastic luck with the succulent seeds I planted about a half a year ago, at least some of the sempervivum sprouted. Not sure if the others didn’t sprout due to the seeds or due to user error, but the sempervivums are the only ones that have made it this far.
I haven’t written a cannabis review for a while so I decided is was about time I did. This is not a paid review.
I was gifted an eighth of runtz from Elyon which (on the day of this post anyway) goes for $30 at SilverStreak delivery. The packaging looks professional and uses bright and colorful artwork. The tear off top is notched for easy removal, and leaves a press seal closure to keep the remainder fresh. I’m just attesting to my experience with this particular package and not making claims as to other pouches from this same source, so be forewarned your mileage may vary.
Back of package.
According to the instructions on the back of the package “Remove cannabis from pouch and smoke”. I think that’s cool and cute, but seriously, if you need those directions to figure out how to use the product, you may be high enough already. According to the label it has 22.91 % THC.
Out of package
I don’t have a scale handy to double check, but it appears to have the 3.5 grams as advertised on the front of the package. The buds are small, but not tiny or broken. There are 3.5 grams divided by 11 similar sized buds which averages out to about a third of a gram apiece.
.Closeup of sample
The buds are tight, compact, and have little excess leaf material. A few errant leaf stems are present, but overall the trim is much closer than I would do for my homegrown.
Santa Cruz Shredder: My current favorite grinder
Years ago I was gifted a large Santa Cruz Shredder, they are expensive ($89.95 at the time this was written), but has been my go to daily driver ever since.
Ground runtz
The ground cannabis smells pleasant with notes of tropical scent dryer sheet fabric softener (in a good way) and is slightly sweet.
Elements and rolled joint
Elements 300 leaf packs are my rolling papers of choice. My second choice would be RAW 300 leaf packs. I rolled up a joint with a crutch to try.
The smoke is soft and smooth. The hit comes across as more a caress than a slam. The aftertaste is present but not commanding. It comes across like a warm glow. It is a nice leisurely smoke, More a sipping whisky than a beer to guzzle. Took a break halfway through to make a snack. Smoked slow it has a nice gentle ease into the high. It is a pleasant and relaxing high. It would be a solid choice to unwind with.
I think I’m going to save the rest of the pouch for smoking a little at a time in a tester pipe as an appetizer before smoking more pedestrian fare. I would both smoke again and recommend to friends.
I went to Boston to cover the Boston Freedom Rally and the after party. I attended both, the Boston Freedom Rally was a very cool huge festival that was lots of fun, and is worth checking out. The after party was up several flights of stairs, and to be honest wasn’t worth either the climb or the wait to get in. That being said, it was the events of the evening before the event that wound up stuck in my head. Gentle Readers (and the sweetest most understanding editor in the universe), here is what I wound up writing instead:
I arrived in Boston and checked into the hotel too early to go to bed, but too late for anything but “night life”. The hotel I was staying in (thanks much to my sponsors) was a nice one, and priced well above my usual travel accommodations (which in general involve some kind soul’s couch). I didn’t have a car, and my travel budget put the nix on taxis, or anything but that time honored mode of transportation “one foot in front of the other, repeat as needed”.
The air was crisp, with just enough of a chill to make walking pleasant. Near my hotel were a good half score of pubs and bars teeming with young college kids, doing the things that young college kids do in pubs and bars. Gentle Reader, as you may (or may not) know, although I have a fondness for “apple pie” (flavored moonshine) and my own homemade sweet mead (honey wine), I do not in fact drink often, and almost never to excess. I smoke daily, but usually only have one or two alcoholic drinks a year (and as an anecdotal example of why the gateway drug theory may be wrong, have never so much as tried any other illegal drug). While I would not consider myself “old”, and I enjoy conversation with all ages and walks of life, the idea of hanging out in a bar with a bunch of drunk people half my age did not in fact appeal to me as the evening’s entertainment.
So I walked. I walked past the bars and pubs, peeked past iron bars into a historic cemetery across the street, and enjoyed the people watching in the fresh air. There was a sign prohibiting taking rubbings of the tombstones. I thought to myself that if I had say in the matter, I’d like to have my marker textured in some interesting way so if someone took a rubbing it would come out nice. For those Gentle Readers not familiar with the practice of taking rubbings; you take a crayon and a sheet of paper, and put something behind the paper like a leaf, or the lettering on the tombstone. Then using the side of the crayon gently rub the crayon against the paper. The raised areas will capture more color than the sunken areas, and an interesting impression can be made this way.
Somewhat lost in my own thoughts, I stopped off at an all night market, and bought a snack with a soda to take with me back to the hotel. Since smoking was not allowed inside the establishment, I looked for a discreet location to have what I thought was going to be my last joint of the evening. I found a nice little out of the way area at the side of the hotel in an alley it shared with a couple of bars. The thing about discreet locations though, is that they tend to attract folks looking for discreet locations.
Case in point, this particular discreet location was already occupied by a homeless gal. Once I saw her, I started to move on, but she waved me over. “Just don’t sit down or they will hassle us.” Keep in mind that my “traveling clothes” include a fedora that should have been replaced about five years ago, a hoodie that is almost more patches than original material, and a variety of tie dyed and Hawaiian print shirts. My clothing style is a bit more “wear it until it is dead” and fashion sideways than fashion forward. Add my long beard, and the misunderstanding was quite understandable.
We exchanged pleasantries, and chatted for a while. She carried a bible with her, and between the pages were letters, notes, and old photos of her former life. Horses she once owned and loved, a normal enough looking house, and so on. She touched the cross around her neck often as she spoke. For instance when she complained that one of the college students who was obviously wearing a watch wouldn’t even tell her what time it was, but just darted past her shaking his head “No” like she was part of an American Untouchable caste system¸ she held it tighter when she told me how much that it hurt.
I was emotionally moved by how strong her faith was, even in the face of such hardship, and I hoped it helped her stand it. Just across the way I could see the college kids in the bars carousing, drinking, and starting off the slap and tickle portion of the evening. I hadn’t talked to her long, but long enough to know she was of at least average intelligence, was of the same age as they were, and there wasn’t anything wrong with her appearance that a hot shower and new clothes couldn’t put straight. She really wasn’t much different than they were, just didn’t have access to the same resources or support systems like family.
I gave her the snack I’d bought, and she split it with two other homeless guys that happened by. The four of us talked for a while, and then the three of them faded off into the night together.
First joint
It was an interesting glimpse into the homeless for me, and I had lots to think about. In other words, it was well time to light up. Since I now had the space to myself, I was about to pull one out, and light it when a figure appeared. This was a homeless guy a bit older than the college kids, but a bit younger than I was. I asked if he knew of a more discreet location, since this discreet location wasn’t proving to be as, well, discreet as I had originally hoped. As far as I can tell I am legal to smoke in Boston, but I’d rather not find out the wrong way that I was incorrect in that. He said we were fine where we were, and after we talked a bit I pulled out two of Rhode Island’s finest from my walking around case (rolled with some top shelf buds courtesy of my area buddies Max and Fingers). I finished mine while we talked, but he smoked his a little at a time, lighting it taking a couple of puffs, then putting it out, and repeating a little while later.
Forget torture, all it does is encourage people to say whatever they think will make it stop. I’ve found that if you just sit with folks, and smoke with them, and listen close; more times than not they will tell you things they wouldn’t tell their therapist. I won’t go into his tale of woe, suffice to say he was a guy down on his luck, with a history of being down on his luck, such as having the misfortune to be born to parents that shouldn’t be allowed around children.
We left the little spot, and he led me to a place where the bar left out the rubbish. While he talked with me, he methodically went through the can of empty bottles, looking for those that had a little liquid left in the bottom. In one he found what looked to be half a shot left in it, and the glee with which he drank it rivaled the joy I’ve seen in the faces of newlyweds. I couldn’t stop thinking; “How fucked up does this guy’s life have to be that not only does this sound like a good idea, but it is obviously one of the highlights of the day for him?” As a group of college kids came around the corner, drunk and falling over each other, I took a step away from him, instinctually distancing myself from the outlier so as not to be shunned by the herd, like there was something wrong with being seen talking to him. It was a small step, neither he nor they noticed, but I did.
I bought him a sandwich, and walked back toward the hotel, deep in thought. I felt shame in how many resources I’d carelessly used up over the years, when this guy and people like him go without help day after day. It isn’t hard to see why some of these folks break the law just to get into the prison system. For some of them, it must be an improvement in lifestyle; at least it takes the stress out of worrying about the next meal or the next storm. It tarnishes us all that desperate citizens are allowed to get to that point.
Gentle Reader, homeless people are people, real people like you and I. They have problems, two of which are worrying about getting to eat and sleep indoors, I haven’t been homeless myself (count that blessing), but I can tell you from experience, the more nerves spent worrying about food and housing security, the fewer you have to deal with the rest of the stuff that life throws at you. I’ve never slept outside because I’ve had to, but I’ve been in situations where I have felt at the end of my rope even with a place to stay. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to have been that depressed and out on the street too.
Walking back to the hotel, I noticed a well lit smoking section for the guest. I had used another entrance and exit previously, so I hadn’t noticed it before. Since to the best of my knowledge the hotel was still very non smoking, I stopped for a quick smoke. I wanted to sort out how I felt about earlier.
Second Joint
The bench by the smoking section of the hotel was not entirely empty. There was a gentleman there that looked to me to be in his early twenties, and who bore more than a passing resemblance to my idea of d’Artagnan from the Three Musketeers. A charming British lad, we made small talk for a bit, and before you know it, yes, another joint was produced, and shared.
He was well mannered, polite, and claimed it was his first experience smoking weed without tobacco mixed in it. That struck me as a bit of a cultural difference, since while it is common to mix the two overseas, here in the US it is considered to be a lower quality smoke, and this gentleman was obviously not the sort to be used to lower quality anything as a general rule. Still, it seemed to rather agree with him. He was in Boston with his parents to visit Harvard. The three of them were trying to decide if he should attend Harvard here in the States, or Oxford back home. Apparently the cost difference was something on the order of $300,000 American a year or so more for Harvard, but he was still leaning towards it as he wouldn’t be bothered by his folks visiting as much. His field of study is Sanskrit, and although he didn’t have much of an idea of what he wanted to do with his degree after he earned it, I am sure he will make a fine linguist.
Although the temptation is there to draw some sort of analogy about the poor Americans and the rich British citizen that takes place in Boston practically across the street from a cemetery where patriots are buried, it really wasn’t like that at all. The homeless gal and the rich kid were both nice people, in my opinion; they’d have made a cute couple if given half a chance.
Succulents aren’t my specialty but I thought I’d give succulent seed starting a try. Over the years I’ve grown some, and I recently bought a couple of echeveria plants. I ordered seeds from three different vendors, and so far the seeds have arrived from cactusstore.com and outsidepride.com.
For a starting mix I used a mixture of perlite, lava rock, and brightly colored aquarium stones.
The seeds from cactusstore.com arrived promptly and well marked.
Pot 1
Echeveria seeds
If you look closely, you may be able to see the tiny seeds in the bag. Echeveria are at least supposed to be (from what I’ve read) a pretty easy plant to deal well with. The two echeveria I have are a Miranda and an Arctic Ice. Hopefully if the seeds are a bust then I’ll be able to propagate those via leaf cuttings.
Pot 2
Lithops seeds
Lithops are cool, they are pebble looking plants that have a reputation for being finicky or at least demanding of a particular watering schedule. Known to be prone to overwatering.
Pot 3
Argyroderma seeds
Argyrodermas are similar to Lithops, but are apparently slightly more tolerant of moisture. They aren’t as unusual looking as lithops but still cute. Sometimes compared to looking like a human bottom.
Pot 4
Sempervivum seeds
Sempervivums are similar to echeveria, but flower from the center rosette which dies after flowering. These seeds are from Outsidepride.com. My order was fulfilled quickly and without incident. I planted all 1,000 seeds in the same pot, in hopes at least some sprout.
I also ordered some seeds from another vendor, but they have not yet arrived.
The pots fit into a standard 1020 tray (I prefer the double or quad thick versions if available). They are covered with a clear plastic dome, and will be checked for moisture daily. Current lighting an LED fixture. I am curious to see how many (if any) sprout from the different pots.